enVision Integrated Mathematics © 2019 Common Core


enVision Integrated Mathematics © 2019 focuses on developing conceptual understanding and helps students see how the mathematical disciplines of algebra and geometry intertwine.

Take math learning out of silos and bridge connections across algebra and geometry.

Motivate student learning with relevant math and individualized pathways.

Increase student achievement through deep conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application.

Leverage technology to save time and provide better insight into students' mastery of mathematics.

Mathematical Modeling in 3 Acts lessons present students with the opportunity to model conceptual thinking in real-world situations. Lessons require students to identify essential variables, formulate models from those variables, perform operations using the model, interpret the results of those operations, and validate the conclusions of those results. It all takes place within three simple acts.

Act 1: The Hook
A video engages students, followed by a brainstorm of possible question/answer situations.

Act 2: The Model
Students develop mathematical models to arrive at a solution.

Act 3: The Resolution
A video helps learners explain differences between their own conjectures and the actual solution

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