Words Their Way (WTW): Word Study in Action Developmental Model is the classroom-ready companion to Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction professional development book. Words Their Way: Word Study in Action Developmental Model uses the research-based developmental approach to word study that is student-centered and assessment-driven. This approach fosters the progression of word knowledge, including the development of phonics, spelling, word recognition, and vocabulary. The Word Study in Action ready-made materials make word study easy to implement and use in your classroom.
This engaging, hands-on program ensures students develop the essential elements of reading including phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and vocabulary in just 15 to 20 minutes per day. The heart of the Words Their Way program is the sort, or the process of grouping sounds and words into specific categories. Students make discoveries and generalizations about the conventions of English orthography. They compare and contrast word features and discover similarities and differences within the categories.
The 2012 copyright includes a revised Teacher Guide, Student Books, Big Books, a Teacher Resource CD, and Libraries to align with the revised scope and sequence. The Whiteboard Activities DVD includes activities for teacher modeling and student sorting to engage your digital learners.
For districts addressing the Common Core State Standards, the CCSS Companion Edition includes a correlation to the new standards as well as a White Paper from the Words Their Way authors.
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