
What is iLit?

iLit is a comprehensive reading intervention program for students in Grades 6 and up. Teachers and students can access this fully digital program on multiple platforms and devices, and it utilizes a proven instructional model. It includes every resource you need to support your Tier 2, Tier 3, and English language learner (ELL) students: curriculum, assessment, data, and professional development.

Choose the option that best meets your needs:

iLit 45
iLit 45 is designed for a class period of up to 45 minutes. You can use it as a supplement to or a replacement for the core curriculum. iLit 45 serves students at grade level to many grades below level.

iLit ELL
iLit ELL contains extensive supports and scaffolding for ELLs. It is ideal for pull-out classes, intervention classes with a high population of ELL students, or as a core or designated English Language Development (ELD) curriculum.

iLit 20
iLit 20 is a flexible implementation model used 15-20 minutes per day, two to five times per week, to supplement a core ELA curriculum. iLit 20 provides teachers the data and resources to differentiate for ALL students. Engage students and accelerate academic achievement.

Other Features

  • Proven Reading Growth Results
  • Personalized Study Plans
  • Intensive Conferencing and Coaching
  • Complete Program Resources on Teacher App
  • Precise Reporting Tools
  • High-interest Reading Practice and Leveled Library Selections
  • Professional Learning Community Dedicated to iLit Teachers

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